dijous, 31 de desembre del 2015

divendres, 25 de desembre del 2015

Far West train

First you wish you could ride one of these

So you gather some info. Dunno, pics, planes, stuff

Then you make Your plans, when you do your own they're far easier to follow.

                                                               Washing machine + fridge

We go and ask for boxes around, shops are usually glad to help (when you walk in with a 5-6 year old)

Yap, it all works

So huge it fit three kids! Back to the Old West!!

dimecres, 23 de desembre del 2015

We are the robots by Craftwork

Carnival time! there we go!

If you're going to be a robot you wanna know your steps

Metropolis + Futurama = Us

dilluns, 21 de desembre del 2015


"The" starfighter

This is how you make an X-Wing

testing the circuits

Thanks christmas tree for your collaboration 

Watch out you evil

Shut out the lighs. Ready to save the universe. He did.  Be thankful

diumenge, 20 de desembre del 2015


So here's the baby

 and here's the jedi.

Head mounted on old TV holder

some lights

Hidden remote controlled car